Influencers, streamers

MOSAIK advises and represents influencer and content creator agencies in order to assist them with legal structuration to protect and assist them with fast development and create better quality content:

  • Drafting of by-laws
  • Accomplishment of formalities (Registration, publication in an official journal, etc.)
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Valorization of contributions
  • Filing of trademarks

MOSAIK also assists its clients in order to help them to protect their creative work, as a preventive and also a posteriori for their content created alone, but also with other video creators on the social networks (Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Onlyfans, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Twitter, etc.) or for streaming websites (Facebook Live, Twitch, YouTube Gaming, etc.). MOSAIK may assist you with the drafting of:

  • Assignment of copyright agreements de droit d’auteur
  • Partnership agreements and with the production of a video channel on the Internet
  • Production / co-production agreements

MOSAIK may, in particular, assist you to secure your partnerships with channels (for example: Twitch, YouTube, etc.), to enable you retain control of your image:

  • Assignment of image rights agreements
  • Agreement for adhesion to a Twitch or YouTube video channel network
  • Creation agreement / writing of transmedia works
  • “Co-branding” agreements
  • Society of authors in graphic and plastic arts (ADAGP)
  • Society of authors of visual arts and static image (SAIF)
  • Company of authors and dramatic composers (SACD)
  • Civil society of multimedia authors (SCAM)
  • French society for the interests of authors of written works (SOFIA)
  • Société des auteurs compositeurs et éditeurs de musique (SACEM)
  • Society of composer authors and music editors (SACEM)
  • Society for the administration of authors’ right of mechanical reproduction, composers and editors (SDRM)
  • Society of games designers (SAJE)
  • Society of associated visual arts (AVA)
  • Civil society for the administration of artists and musical performers (ADAMI)
  • Society for the perception and distribution of artists-performers’ rights (SPEDIDAM)
  • Artists-performers’ society (SAI)
  • Civil society of authors, directors and producers (ARP)

  • MOSAIK also assists its clients with the monetization of their content with advertizers, announcers, governed in the context of a promotional operation (PO) or partnership by the negotiation or drafting of:

    • An advertizing space purchase agreement
    • An advertizing partnership / product investment agreement (Reel, story)
    • A sponsoring agreement
    • An image exploitation agreement (ambassador)

    MOSAIK regularly assists the creators or companies intending to setup stores, derivate products/goodies for their audience (clothes, fitness products, figurines, make-up products, gaming chairs, books, etc.) by helping them to secure the production and commercialization process, through:

    • Content edition agreements
    • Manufacturing agreements
    • Trademark license agreements
    • Production agreements.

    And, in the event whereby third parties were to violate your rights, MOSAIK shall make its best endeavors to defend your interests, through various legal mechanisms to cease and indemnify this violation:

    • Reuse your content without authorization on other channels or other accounts (copyright, neighborhood rights, trademarks, parasitism, unlawful competition)
    • Exploitation of your image without authorization (right of image, parasitism)
    • Unjustified depreciation of your content (unlawful competition, denigration)
    • Closure of your account / channel, without justified reason (law of contracts, sudden termination of commercial relations)
    • Censorship or unjustified demonetization of your video (freedom of expression, law of contracts, technical intermediates rights)